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Help Rebuild West Maui Homes

Yes I'll Help

Help Rebuild West Maui Homes

A Dollar for Housing Displaced Families
Yes I'll Help

This Time, This Cause, One Dollar

Tattooed people and tattooers make up over half the world’s population. Whether it be cosmetic tattoo or medical tattoo or your everyday expression of art and self through conventional or traditional tattoo, you’re invited to be part of the efforts to rebuild West Maui homes.

Helping Hand

Tattoed4 is a foundation of members who are tattooers and tattooed people or a part of the tattoo community who want to contribute to relief in times of crisis.

Maui Hawaii

With your $1 contribution to tattooed4 you’re providing a housing opportunity for a displaced family as a result of the Maui Wildfires. This will include the uninsured as well as the underinsured.

A Helping Community

A community of tattooers and tattooed people helping causes around the world. Join the conversation and help give the less fortunate a fair opportunity at life.

Going Forward

These contributions will be used now and in the future to support causes and crisis nation wide and hopefully globally in the future.

Help, Give Hope

Tattoers4 is a foundation of members who are tattooers and tattooed people or a part of the tattoo community who want to contribute to relief in times of crisis. These contributions will be used now and in the future to support causes and crisis nation wide and hopefully globally in the future.

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